Mergers & Acquisitions
Tax Law

Our Team

Paulo de Menezes

Sócio Associado

São Paulo
Tel.: 55 11 5225 0000
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- Advises business owners on matters related to corporate consulting;

- Works in M&A and ESG operations;

- Experienced in consulting and litigation in the tax and corporate fields, with extensive experience in corporate governance within family businesses in various sectors, such as succession planning, tax domicile, litigation prevention, among others.


- Postdoctoral Researcher in Legal and Business Sciences - University of Coimbra

- Ph.D. in Public Law - University of São Paulo (USP)

- ITP – Harvard Law School

- Master’s in Public Law - University of São Paulo (USP)

Specialist in Tax Law - Centro de Extensão Universitária (CEU)

- Bachelor of Laws - University of São Paulo (USP)

Outras Atividades
- He was Deputy Secretary of the School of Leadership and Citizenship and a member of the first Selection Committee of the (ELC) of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).

- He was a member of the Permanent Committee on Corporate Law Studies of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP).

- He was the president and founder of the Special Commission on Capital Markets and Corporate Governance of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) – São Paulo Section.

- He was a permanent counselor of the First Chamber of the Third Taxpayers' Council of the Ministry of Finance.

- He was the president of the Council for Business Renewal and Integration of the São Paulo State Trade Federation (Fecomercio).

- Public Policy Scholar - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars


Mergers & Acquisitions
Tax Law